Lindsay Cline

Lindsay Cline


I began volunteering with Up and Running Guelph back in the fall of 2017. I had just started a new job in Guelph and was looking for a way to connect with the community. The vision and mission of Up and Running Guelph so perfectly aligned with my own values around the importance of mental health, activity and spending time outdoors that I knew it would be a great fit.

As a volunteer running mentor, I have seen the positive impact the program has on our participants. A common remark we often hear, especially on those dark, cold, or rainy nights, is something along the lines of, ‘I definitely would not have gone for a run or walk tonight if it hadn’t been for this group. I’m really glad I came.’

I am grateful for the opportunity to join the Up and Running Guelph Board and contribute in new ways as we work together to further advance our mission through our strategic plan, strive to increase our reach, and share the mental health benefits of exercise, nature and social connections with people in our community.

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