The Importance of Community and How to Foster It
Whether we’re aware of it or not, each of us belongs to at least a few different communities. We find communities in our families, our friends, our workplace, our neighbourhood – the list goes on. It is important to develop social interactions and the sense of community in our lives because it allows us to feel a part of something, feel safe, and develop connections with others. Most importantly, it’s been shown to improve mental health!
This sense of community is of the utmost importance in this day and age with the popularity of social media. Although social media allows us to ‘connect’ quickly with more people at our fingertips, we often feel more disconnected and isolated. This can lead to increased feelings of loneliness, which is shown to increase the risk of developing depression.
So how do we minimize our risk of feeling lonely? Believe it or not, it’s not quite as simple as being around people. We need to be sharing something with these people that is meaningful to everyone. Think of it this way – you could be on a solo trip to Paris, admiring the Eiffel Tower, with lots of people around you, yet you aren’t sharing anything with them. You don’t care about what they’re doing, what they’re thinking, or how they’re feeling, and it’s the same for them. So, it’s not as simple as surrounding yourself with people, rather it’s about creating a meaningful connection with those around you.
How to Foster Your Sense of Community
Luckily for those currently enrolled in one of Up and Running’s programs, you’re already doing it by showing up each week. We are a community of strong, committed, and fierce women making our own meaningful connections through sharing stories of struggles, triumphs, and everything in between! But how else can you create and maintain the sense of community in your life?
First and foremost, it’s important to establish your boundaries. If you’re introverted and enjoy time to yourself, I wouldn’t suggest trying to fill up all your time with different groups and social events. Figure out how much social interaction you enjoy and go from there. It could be something as simple as, “I will attend Book Club twice a month”.
Once you have determined your level of comfort, find what speaks to you. What are your interests? What do you struggle with? Where do you feel the happiest? This will allow you to find groups and/or peers with common interests, challenges, and ideas. By discussing these interests, challenges, and ideas, you find common ground, normalize situations, and generate a meaningful connection. You can also do this by creating your own group or meeting up with a friend on a regular basis. This will also allow you to create your purpose for being part of that community, which will help keep your participation consistent.
Finally, it is important to remember to trust and listen to those in your community. Without trust, it is hard to build and feel comfortable within your community, and without listening, it is hard for your community to trust you. So be present, support others, and allow them to feel safe and secure within your community.